Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Curricular Integration of the eTwinning project 'Bookfest 2024'

The eTwinning project Bookfest 2024 was integrated into the curriculum from the following perspectives:

I. General competences from the Romanian National Curriculum for Teaching English as a Foreign Language:

  • Receiving oral or written messages in everyday communication situations;
  • Creating appropriate oral or written messages in certain communication situations; 
  • Take part in verbal or written exchanges;
  • Transfer and mediation of oral or written messages in various communication situations.

II. Values and Attitudes (from the Romanian National Curriculum):

  • Demonstrating flexibility in the exchange of ideas and teamwork in different communication situations
  • Awareness of the role of the English language as a means of access to the world cultural heritage;
  • Willingness to accept differences and show tolerance through a critical approach to differences and cultural stereotypes
  • Developing interest in discovering specific cultural aspects, through receiving a variety of texts in English and by referring to civilization of the Anglo-Saxon cultural space.

III. Key-competences for lifelong learning developed/improved with the help of the project activities:

  • Literacy competence;
  • Multilingual competence;
  • Digital competence;
  • Personal, social and learning to learn competence;
  • Civic competence;
  • Cultural awareness and expression competence. 
IV. ICT - General competences from the National Curriculum for 11th grade

  • Use of general documentation techniques
  • Use of ICT means for documentation and cooperation
  • Application of the acquired knowledge for the completion of a project
Values and Attitudes
  • Awareness of the social, economic and moral impact of computer use
  • Initiative in approaching and solving various tasks, using IT tools
  • Availability to communicate using the specific means of an information system
  • Understanding the impact of information technologies in society, as well as connections between the Information and Communication Technology and other study subjects
  • Demonstrating a creative way of thinking, in structuring and solving work tasks
  • Demonstrating willingness to evaluate/self-evaluate practical activities
Technology was used by the students and the teachers involved in the project activities both creatively (to foster innovation, communication, collaboration, accessibility, team work, research, documentation and motivation) and critically (by raising awareness of Internet safety and security and how to protect our digital privacy and intellectual property rights).

In our school, we accepted and respected the parents’ decision to allow the pupils to use technology for project-related purposes only while being supervised and monitored by a teacher.

Consequently, we used technology to collaborate synchronously and asynchronously, but also for communication and dissemination purposes, the main tools being:, Book Creator, Canva, Google forms, Google Meet, Kahoot, Learning apps, Mentimeter, Padlet, PowerPoint, Story Jumper, Youtube, Wakelet, Word Art.

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