Monday 4 July 2022

Summer School 2022 - Ice-breakers, team-building and communicative activities, creativity workshops, transdisciplinary competitions

Day 1: 04.07.2022
1.What is your name? Can you write an adjective that starts with the same letter? 
eg Emilia - energetic
2.Let’s introduce ourselves in English! (family, likes, dislikes, abilities, hobbies, preferences etc.)
3.Find someone who...
4.Two truths and one lie:
- My favourite school subject/food/colour/sport etc.
5.Movement Songs: 
- If you’re happy and you know it 
- Five little monkeys 
6. Limericks - Creative writing workshop and competition
7. What are they doing? (Group Work)
8. Transdisciplinary Contest (English and geography)
9. Back drawing
10. Feedback (most-liked and least-liked activities)

What are they doing? (Group-work)