The main aim of the Erasmus+ KA3 project “Teachers4Europe: setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” (T4E) is to create a cross-border, sustainable and long-lasting teachers network promoting social and civic competences of pupils and advocating democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and the ownership of them. For more information visit
School: “Radu Vlădescu” Theoretical High School, Pătârlagele town, Buzău county,
Teachers: Mrs. Iorga
Adelaida Loredana & Mrs. Frînculeasă Claudia Emilia;
Grade: 10th Form- U;
Students’ Level: Intermediate (B1);
No. of students: 34 (23 girls/11 boys);
Time: 50 minutes;
Date: 21st September, 2020;
Topic from the L1 Curriculum: Democracy, civism and human rights;
of the Lesson:
Skills covered:
Integrated skills (transdisciplinary approach inspired by the key competences
of the EU: communication in Romanian, English, the development of social, civic
and digital skills, learning to learn etc.)
: - to create expectations, interest and
involvement in the topic of the lesson;
- to express opinions about the
topic, agreement/disagreement and giving
arguments /examples to support personal views;
- to practise cooperation and collaboration, critical thinking, creative
translation and digital skills;
- to assess the students’ knowledge and understanding of the topic.
- some students may
not understand some tasks/words and may need extra-explanations and help;
set of markers, laptop computer, overhead projector, the internet,,,,
1. Warm up - to create expectations about the topic, prepare and introduce the students into the atmosphere of the lesson
The teacher informs the
students that they are going to have a lesson about a secret … topic and they
will have to guess it. Then the students are given some hints until they guess
the topic: the lesson is going to be about “one
of the main values of the European Union/ a political system that allows the citizens to participate in political
a term which has its origins in the Greek language - combining two words: ‘demos’
meaning people and ‘kratos’ meaning power or rule etc. The
teacher writes the title of the lesson, “Democracy”, on the flipchart, then draws
a spidergram and asks the students to give examples of words related to this
topic. Then the teacher completes the spidergram with the students’ answers:
e.g. freedom, free elections, equality
Interaction: T>S; Timing: 5 mins;
2. Pair work -“Which of the following
quotations do you most agree with? Why? “- to practise expressing opinions and arguments
The teacher asks
the students to go to
, match the sentence halves, read the 5 quotations and say which of them they
most agree with and why.
a) “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will
defend to the death your right to say it.” (Attributed to Voltaire,
1694-1778, French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher)
b) “Ask not what your country can do for you –
ask what you can do for your country.” (John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963,
American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States)
c) “Democracy isn’t a gift. It’s a responsibility.”
(James Dalton Trumbo, 1905-1976, American screenwriter and novelist)
d) “Democracy is not the law of the majority,
but protection of the minority.” (Albert Camus, 1913-1960, French
philosopher, author, and journalist)
e) “There cannot be daily democracy without
daily citizenship.” (Ralph Nader, born 1934-, American political activist,
author, lecturer, attorney and presidential candidate)
Interaction: T>S; S>S; Timing: 10 mins;
Group work: to practise cooperation, collaboration, critical thinking and
creative translation skills;
Working in 6 groups, the
students translate the quotations from Romanian into English, then they say if
the author has a positive or negative attitude towards democracy and express
their agreement / disagreement not individually, but as a group (reaching a
common result through negotiation, debate, compromise), and, finally, justify
their choice.
1) “Democraţia
este dictatura adevărului.” (Victor Martin) (=Democracy is the dictatorship of
2) “Democraţia e
un mecanism prin care avem voie să alegem conducătorii pe care îi merităm.”
(Alexandru Arșinel) (=Democracy
is a mechanism by which we are allowed to choose the leaders we deserve.)
3) “Triumful
cantităţii împotriva calităţii.” (Petre Țutea) (=The triumph of quantity over
4) “Democraţia
este unitate în diversitate.” (Eugen Simion) (=Democracy is unity in diversity.)
5) “Nimeni nu va
trăi niciodată într-o democraţie autentică. Democraţia nu poate să existe ca
atare: e un model ideal.” (Lucian Boia) (=No one will ever live in a genuine
democracy. Democracy cannot exist in reality: it is an ideal model.)
6) Democraţie este
pretutindeni, dar... nu există! (Dumitru Sârghie) (Democracy is
everywhere, but ... it doesn't exist!)
During the activity, the teacher answers the students’ questions, provides help, explanations and feedback if
Interaction: T>S; S>S; Timing: 15 mins;
4. Team work: to assess the
students’ knowledge and understanding of the topic;
Divided into two
teams, the students solve the Kahoot quiz created for this lesson. Each team
will elect a representative who is
going to decide, in turns, which of the 10 sentences is True or False, then
give reasons why.
Democracy: True/False Quiz
1 - Democracy enforces political equality.
2 - Democracy never causes instability due
to change in leadership.
3 - Democracy involves multi-party
elections, an opposition and free press.
4 - In a democracy, there is no political
competition or power play.
5 - The decision-making process may never
be delayed in a democratic system.
6 - The election procedures are quite
expensive in a democracy.
7 - Democracy enables people to deal with
differences and conflicts in a peaceful manner.
8 - Democracy implies more rights than
9 - Democracy guarantees equal status for
all citizens according to their wealth and education.
10 - Democracy is a perfect form of
Interaction: T>S; S>S; Timing: 10 mins;
Follow up: to review important
information (key topic-related vocabulary);
The teacher goes back to the spidergram and asks the students to extract the words defining topics already discussed about during the lesson, then elicits new words related to the topic of democracy from the students to create a word art shape similar to the one below.
Interaction: T>S; Timing: 3 mins;
At home, the students will have to comment upon their
favourite quotation on democracy in about 50 words or visit
to add a comment upon the quotation assigned by the teacher and rate other
comments as well:
”Democracy is not an easy form of government, because it is never final; it is a living, changing organism, with a continuous shifting and adjusting of balance between individual freedom and general order.” (Ilka Chase)
(“Democraţia nu este o formă uşoară de guvernământ, fiindcă nu este niciodată încheiată; este un organism viu, schimbător, cu o continuă schimbare şi ajustare a balanţei dintre libertatea individuală şi ordinea de drept.”
Interaction: T>S; Timing: 2 mins
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, dear! I wish you lots of success in 2021!