Wednesday 22 November 2023

The Pedagogical Meeting of the Teachers of English 22/11/2023

On 22 November 2023, 17 teachers of English, coordinated by Mrs. Daniela Gianina Cociodar, Inspector of Foreign Languages at Buzău County School Inspectorate, attended the pedagogical activities held at Școala Gimnazială „Ing. Oprișan Iarca” Unguriu. 

Mrs. Mădălina Costache and her class of 5th graders took us all on an informative and formative journey dedicated to the celebration of Thanksgiving Day 2023. The English lesson entitled "Across Culture: Why We Have to Be Thankful!" integrated both traditional and modern learning strategies and resources to enrich knowledge, improve linguistic competences and develop positive attitudes and behaviours in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. The relaxed and joyful atmosphere reminded us all to count our blessings and be more appreciative on a daily basis.

On behalf of everyone present, I would like to congratulate both the pupils and their teacher on their commitment, enthusiasm and dedication and extend our deepest gratitude to the entire school community in Unguriu, especially to Mrs. Steluța Silvestru Grigore, the school principal, for their support, warm reception and hospitality. 

The next pedagogical meeting will be held in May 2024, at Liceul Teoretic "Radu Vlădescu" in Pătârlagele town. 

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