Thursday, 20 January 2022

Celebrating Mihai Eminescu, a transdisciplinary lesson dedicated to our national poet

    On January 19, 2022, the students enrolled in class 8B at Liceul Teoretic "Radu Vlădescu" Pătârlagele, coordinated by their teacher of Romanian, Mrs. Adelaida Iorga, and their teacher of English, Mrs. Emilia Frînculeasă, participated in a transdisciplinary lesson dedicated to the celebration of Mihai Eminescu, Romania's National Poet, and meant to integrate a variety of learning activities and experiences, promote interaction, collaboration, teamwork, creativity and innovation and ultimately provide opportunities for the future graduates to develop their key competences and 21st century skills.

The English component of the lesson included the following activities:

Learning about Mihai Eminescu's Life and Work, before the transdisciplinary lesson, with an original interactive resource

Activity 1: Teamwork
Procedure: Grouped in two teams, the students answered each question randomly assigned by the wheel within a given amount of time (1 minute). Collaboration and Internet research were encouraged in order for them to find/check the information they needed to solve the task. The winning team was the one providing the correct answers more quickly.   
Key competences and skills: linguistic and digital competences, learning to learn, collaboration, teamwork, problem-solving, peer-learning etc.

Activity 2: Gap-filling 
Procedure: The teacher introduced the original acrostic poem dedicated to Romania’s national poet to the students and asked them to fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list. 
Key competences and skills: linguistic and digital competences, cultural awareness and expression, critical and creative thinking, problem-solving etc.

An Acrostic Poem
dedicated to Romania's National Poet
(written by Emilia Frînculeasă)

My time has never flown away
In everything that breathes you’ll find me:
Here, with the wailing forest trees...
And by the  lonely longing poplars
In my calm land I shall still be.

Embrace me, now, just like an angel,
My guardian soul with drowsy eyes!
I’ll gaze towards the blue lake lillies
Nearby the smiling morning star.
Eternal, but not cold, we shall be
Such sweet illusions to be dreamt;
Come, hold me tight into your arms
Until we reach eternity’s end!

Activity 3: Listening Comprehension
Procedure: The students watched/listened to the Voki character reciting the acrostic poem, paying attention to the British pronunciation of the (new) words. 
Key competences and skills: linguistic competences, cultural awareness and expression, learning to learn etc.

Activity 4: Translation Practice
Procedure: The students suggested Romanian alternatives for each line of the poem, sharing preferences and feedback in order to provide the collective translation of the poem below. 
Key competences and skills: linguistic competences, cultural awareness and expression, critical and creative thinking, problem-solving etc.

Traducerea colectivă a Acrostihului Dedicat Poetului National al României

Vremea mea nu a trecut vreodată
Mă vei găsi în tot ce este viu:
În codrul ce se leagănă
Și lângă plopii singuri, ce așteaptă,
Pe-al meu pământ mereu eu o să fiu.

Ca un înger, îmbrățișează-mă, 
Cu ochi somnoroși, suflet păzitor!
Eu admira-voi nuferii lacului albastru
Chiar lângă luceafărul zâmbitor.
Nemuritori vom fi, dar nu indiferenți
Ca niște visuri dulci de zi;
Vino, strânge-mă în brațele tale,
Până când eternitatea se va sfârși!

As far as the curricular integration of the eTwinning project is concerned, the following general and specific competences from the National Curriculum for the 8th grade were explored:

2. Speaking in everyday communication situations
2.2. Participating in short conversations in common contexts, on general topics;
2.3. Expressing your suggestion or reaction to a preposal in an informal dialogue;
2.4. Showing interest in the quality of expression/interaction;

3. Receiving written messages in everyday communication situations
3.1. Deducing the meaning of unknown words from the context;
3.4. Showing interest in understanding different types of texts.

The Romanian component included a Powerpoint presentation created by the coordinating teacher, Mrs. Adelaida Iorga, free discussions, presentations of the students' collaborative work and wonderful recitations of some of  Mihai Eminescu's most remarkable poems: Ce-ţi doresc eu ţie, dulce Românie, Atât de fragedă..., Fiind băiet păduri cutreieram, Călin (File din poveste), Glossă etc.

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