Friday, 11 December 2020

An eTwinning live event to disseminate the results of the Blue Heart Campaign against Human Trafficking

    The members of the eTwinning community were invited to participate online in an eTwinning event meant to raise awareness and express solidarity with the victims of human trafficking everywhere. 

    At the end of an online campaign organised between November 25 and December 10, 2020, by a team of 10th graders studying at "Radu Vlădescu" Theoretical High School, the urgency of combating all forms of violence and abuse against the most vulnerable members of our community - children and young women - was finally understood by many European citizens who expressed their solidarity with our noble cause. The role of education, as one of the most effective human trafficking prevention tools, was reiterated and the young European volunteers' efforts were acknowledged and praised, encouraging them to remain an inspiration to their colleagues and teachers and continue to lead the way as far as similar educational and civic enterprises are concerned.

    On Human Rights Day, the eTwinning live event was the perfect occasion to share the experience and results of the Romanian students' initiative with other eTwinning teachers and take a public stand, together, for human rights, for equity and dignity and for a safer, more humane world, where exploitation, torture, cruelty and abuse are not silently permitted!

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