Thursday, 19 September 2019

Celebrating the European Day of Languages 2019 with European Proverbs

"Celebrating the European Day of Languages 2019 with European Proverbs" is a bilateral eTwinning project-, whose aim is to promote the diversity and ingenuity of national folklore, some of the most popular traditional sayings expressing truths based on the collective wisdom, common sense and advice of two European cultures: the Polish and the Romanian ones.
The English language will be used not only to intermediate the communication process, but also to identify further common cultural heritage and support our initiative so that valuable pieces of national wit, knowledge and experience may be shared with the world and handed over to future generations.
- to use modern technology (ICT, the eTwinning platform) and the English language to cooperate with students from another European school and do research on a certain topic;
- to identify and promote the richness of national folklore as part and parcel of the European cultural heritage;
- to improve the participants' knowledge and language (learning) skills;
- to develop intercultural understanding and promote cultural diversity.
Step 1: each teacher will select some of the most relevant national proverbs and assign each student one proverb to find an English equivalent for;
Step 2: each student creates a national proverb poster (using the templates given by the teacher) with its meaning and origin explained in English (including some illustrations), leaving some space for the equivalent of the proverb in the partner country;
Step 3: the Romanian posters are then scanned and sent to Poland for the students to insert the Polish versions/explanations; the Polish students will do the same for the Romanian pupils to be able to complete the poster with their national versions;
Step 4: the teachers will scan, share and print the final posters with the proverb trios;
Step 5: There will be a proverb poster exhibition in each school on EDL, the 26th of September 2019.
Expected results:
The final products will be the project Twinspace- with pictures from the activities in each school and a virtual exhibition of the posters created by the two classes of students from Poland and Romania on the occasion of the EDL 2019.

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