Friday, 14 February 2025

"Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet" - the transdisciplinary, integrated workshop (Literature, Music, Visual Arts) dedicated to Eminescian nature, love, and time

Mihai Eminescu has been and will remain the poet of all Romanians. Every year, students and teachers all over the country organize various cultural events in honour of the one who was called the "Morning Star of Romanian Poetry," Mihai Eminescu, so that he will never be forgotten. The educational project “Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet” and the homonymous poetry writing competition to be held on 16 May 2025 celebrate the genius and legacy of our national poet.

The 4th edition of the county project “Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet” aims at removing communication barriers between teachers, students, and their parents, encouraging positive changes in the learning environment by improving the relationships between the actors of the educational process and promoting the active roles of teachers, students and parents in education.

The main objectives of the project are:

  •  to know the the main biographical data of the national poet;
  •  to become familiar with Mihai Eminescu’s literary work;
  •  to reflect on the most representative Romanian poet’s creations;
  •  to listen to and perform song lyrics based on Eminescu’s poetry;
  •  to create poetry inspired by Mihai Eminescu’s themes of nature, love, and time;
  •  to develop key competences for lifelong learning: communication in Romanian and English, digital competence, learning-to-learn skills, social and civic competences, a spirit of initiative, and cultural awareness and expression.

On 14 February 2024, more than 100 students enrolled in 4 classes at Liceul Teoretic "Radu Vlădescu" - 10A, 10B, 10U and 11B - participated in a transdisciplinary, integrated workshop (Literature, Music, Visual Arts) in both Romanian and English, dedicated to Eminescian nature, love, and time.

Guided by the coordinators of the county project "Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet", Mrs. Adelaida Loredana Iorga (teacher of Romanian) and Mrs. Claudia Emilia Frînculeasă (teacher of English), the students read their favourite poems written by Mihai Eminescu as well as their English versions translated by Corneliu M. Popescu.

The Eminescian poems on love were:

  •  "Floare albastră" (Blue Flower) - a delicate, melancholic poem about idealized love and longing;
  •  "Dorința" (Desire) - a romantic and idyllic portrayal of love in nature;
  •  "Sara pe deal" (Eve' on the Hill) - a musical and atmospheric poem about love and nostalgia at sunset;
  •  "Pe lângă plopii fără soț" (Down, Where the Lonely Poplars Grow) - a poem of unfulfilled love and deep yearning;
  •  "Atât de fragedă" (So Delicate) - a tender and emotional tribute to a pure, almost ethereal love.

The Eminescian poems on nature were:

  •  "Revedere" (Reunion) - a lyrical dialogue between the poet and the eternal forces of nature;
  •  "Codrule, codruțule" (Little Forest, My Forest) - a nostalgic and melancholic poem about the deep connection between man and nature;
  •  "Ce te legeni" (Why Do You Wail, O Forest Trees) - a symbolic poem where nature reflects human emotions;
  •  "La mijloc de codru des" (In the Heart of the Dense Forest) - a serene and picturesque description of the beauty of the forest.

The Eminescian poems on time were:

  •  "O, rămâi" (Oh, Stay) - a meditation on the passage of time and the desire to hold onto fleeting moments;
  •  "Glossa" (Gloss) - a philosophical poem about the cyclical nature of time and life’s transience;
  •  "Mai am un singur dor" (I Have But One More Longing) - a melancholic reflection on the end of life and the desire for a peaceful passing;
  •  "Trecut-au anii" (The Years Have Passed) - a nostalgic poem about the passage of youth and lost time.

The second part of the workshop combined creative writing, collaboration, music, and visual arts, encouraging the students to create original poems inspired by some of Mihai Eminescu's main themes: love, nature and time.

The main benefits of this innovative pedagogical approach were:

  • literary analysis and comprehension: the students became familiar with key themes in Mihai Eminescu’s poetry through guided reading and discussions.
  • creative expression: the students engaged in writing activities inspired by Eminescu’s motifs, expressing their interpretations in both Romanian and English.
  • artistic interpretation: the integrated workshop allowed the students to visually represent poetic imagery.
  • musical integration: listening to and analyzing musical adaptations of Eminescu’s poetry enhanced their understanding of the emotional and aesthetic depth of his work.
The collaborative poetic creations highlighting the students' interpretations of Eminescu’s themes were shared with their peers, improving their cultural awareness, artistic appreciation and creative expression.

The project participants had previously watched the film "Un Bulgăre de Humă" (A Clod of Clay), a 1989 Romanian biographical film directed by Nicolae Mărgineanu, depicting the friendship between two of Romania’s greatest writers, Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creangă. Exploring two contrasting personalities (Eminescu - the melancholic poet, and Creangă - the jovial storyteller) while highlighting their shared passion for literature and deep intellectual bond, the film is set against the backdrop of 19th-century Romania, capturing their struggles, artistic aspirations, and the cultural atmosphere of the time, offering a poignant reflection on friendship, creativity and destiny.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Introducing the selected authors' life and work for the educational project "Scriitori pentru eternitate/Writers for Eternity" (12/02/2025)

The county project "Scriitori pentru eternitate/Writers for Eternityis an educational partnership facilitating the exchange of experience and best practices among schools and high schools in Buzău county, during the 2024-2025 school year. 

The project seeks to capitalize on the intellectual potential, creativity and interest in reading of the students enrolled in four schools located in Buzău county while supporting the future middle and high school graduates’ preparation for national exams, by developing and assessing communication skills in Romanian and English through both formal and non-formal activities.

On 12 February 2025, four classes of students enrolled at Liceul Teoretic "Radu Vlădescu" - 7B, 8A, 10B and 10U - were formally introduced to the educational project "Scriitori pentru eternitate/Writers for Eternity", initiated by Liceul Teoretic "Radu Vlădescu" and implemented at county level.

The students were also presented with the life and work of the three famous writers - Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and Roald Dahl - selected for the first edition of the educational project. 

We are confident that this educational project will offer multiple benefits for students, teachers and the broader school communities in Buzău county. By fostering intellectual growth, creativity and a greater passion for reading, it will provide the students with valuable opportunities to enhance their academic and personal development. 

To begin with, through formal and non-formal activities in both Romanian and English, the students will improve their ability to express ideas clearly, think critically and engage in meaningful discussions which is particularly beneficial for their preparation for national exams.

Moreover, the project incorporates interdisciplinarity, integrating literature, ICT and visual arts, encouraging students to explore creative expression across multiple disciplines while deepening their understanding of major literary works. 

While it is true that by studying renowned writers such as Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, and Roald Dahl, the students will gain insight into different literary traditions, historical contexts, and storytelling techniques, fostering a greater appreciation for global literature, it is also evident that through innovative techniques based on collaboration, constructive competition, creative writing etc., the students will improve their knowledge, develop their literary skills, boost self-expression and imaginative thinking.

What is more, academic motivation and engagement will also improve as the project activities are meant to nurture a long-lasting love for literature, making learning more dynamic while encouraging the students to read beyond the curriculum.

By bringing together students from multiple schools in Buzău county, the project will foster a sense of community, teamwork and shared learning experiences, strengthening academic and social bonds and, by building strong reading, writing, and analytical skills, it will support the students' learning progress, and academic success, preparing them for future educational and professional challenges.

Overall, the county project "Scriitori pentru eternitate/Writers for Eternity" serves as an innovative platform for intellectual development, artistic creativity and cultural enrichment, equipping students with essential skills for both their academic journey and personal growth.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

General Rules and Guidelines for Participation in the Interschool Competition on Literary Topics for the participants in the educational project “Scriitori pentru eternitate/Writers for Eternity”


General Rules and Guidelines for Participation

in the Interschool Competition on Literary Topics for the participants

in the educational project “Scriitori pentru eternitate/Writers for Eternity” 

1. Eligibility

Participants: the competition is open to students from all registered schools within Buzău county, without discrimination, in the spirit of inclusion, equity and cooperation.

Age groups: the participants will be divided into categories based on their age or grade level to ensure fair competition.

-        Lower Secondary Level: Grades 5-8

-        Upper Secondary Level: Grades 9-12

Coordinators: the coordinating teachers will select at least one class of students from each partner school to participate in all the project activities – not only in the final interschool competition on literary topics - and will provide evidence to the coordinating school for the implementation of the project activities.

2. Registration

Entry forms: each teacher will submit a completed participation form for each of the three finalists selected to take part in the competition, via e-mail, by the specified deadline.

3. General conduct

Code of conduct: the participants are expected to conduct themselves with respect and sportsmanship at all times; any form of misconduct, including cheating or attempted cheating, will result in disqualification.

Attendance: participants must be present at the designated venue at the specified time; late arrivals will forfeit their opportunity to compete.

Decisions: the decisions of the competition judges are final and binding; any disputes must be raised immediately with the project coordinators.

4. Judging criteria

The competition papers will be judged according to the following criteria:

a) Adherence to rules and following instructions

The participants should strictly adhere to the competition rules, including time limits, formatting requirements for written responses, and any specific guidelines provided.

b) Accuracy of responses

Correct usage of grammar and vocabulary: inaccurate or incorrect use of the English language will affect the final score;

Factual correctness: answers should be factually correct and align with established literary knowledge;

Precision: responses should be specific and precise, avoiding vague or overly general answers.

c) Depth of knowledge

Understanding of literary concepts: the participants should demonstrate a clear understanding of literary terms, genres, and concepts;

Knowledge of literary works: the participants should be familiar with the three key literary works promoted during the project, including their themes, characters, and historical context;

Familiarity with authors: knowledge of the three authors promoted by the project, including their biographies, writing styles, and contributions to world literature.

d) Creativity and originality

Innovative thinking: in subjects that allow for subjective responses or interpretation, judges will look for creative and original approaches to answering questions;

Insight: the participants who demonstrate unique insights or connections between literary works or concepts will score higher.

e) Critical thinking and analysis

Interpretation: the participants should be able to demonstrate a certain level of ability to interpret and analyze literary texts or quotations from the literary texts;

Reasoning: participants should be able to explain their answers or provide reasoning behind their choices, demonstrating deeper engagement with the literary texts.

5. Scoring and Prizes

Diplomas (1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes) will be granted to the students whose papers have obtained the following scores:

            - the 1st prize will be awarded for 9.50 – 10.00 points;

            - the 2nd prize will be awarded for 9.00 – 9.49 points;

            - the 3rd prize will be awarded for 8.50 – 8.99 points;

The highest-scoring finalists will be offered prizes in books by the coordinator(s).

6. Safety and health protocols

Health guidelines: all participants must adhere to any health and safety protocols in place, as required by local regulations. The teachers are responsible for the safety of their students during all the project activities.

7. Final considerations

- No fees or financial support will be required from the project participants or the partner schools.

- Each teacher will inform his/her students about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and get the formal consent of the parents/tutors to use their personal data for this project.

        School Principal,                                                Project coordinator and competition organiser,

     Mr. Mircică CONSTANTIN                             Mrs. Claudia Emilia FRÎNCULEASĂ

General Rules and Guidelines for Participation in the 4th Edition of the Poetry Writing Competition (2025) - one of the main activities of the County Project “Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet”

General Rules and Guidelines for Participation in the 4th Edition of the Poetry Writing Competition (2025) - one of the main activities of the County Project “Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet”

1.Title of the poetry writing competition:“Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet”

2. Context/Argument

Eminescu has been and will remain the poet of all Romanians. Every year, students and teachers all over the country organize various cultural events in honor of the one who was called the "Morning Star of Romanian Poetry," Mihai Eminescu, so that he will never be forgotten. The educational project “Dor de Eminescu/Missing Our National Poet” and the homonymous poetry writing competition celebrate the genius and legacy of our national poet.

3.  Project goal and main objectives

The project aims at removing communication barriers between teachers, students, and their parents, encouraging positive changes in the learning environment by improving the relationships between the actors of the educational process and promoting the active roles of teachers, students and parents in education.

The main objectives of the project are:

- to know the the main biographical data of the national poet;

- to become familiar with Mihai Eminescu’s literary work;

- to reflect on the most representative Romanian poet’s verses and artistic creations;

- to listen to and perform song lyrics based on Eminescu’s poetry;

- to create poetry inspired by Mihai Eminescu’s themes of nature, love, and time;

- to develop key competences for lifelong learning: communication in Romanian and English, digital competence, learning-to-learn skills, social and civic competencies, a spirit of initiative, and cultural awareness and expression.

4. Eligibility and target groups

All students between the ages of thirteen (13) and eighteen (18) who are enrolled in a school located in Buzău County are eligible to participate in the fourth edition of the Poetry Writing Competition organized by Liceul Teoretic “Radu Vlădescu”, on 16 May 2025, either on site or online, depending on the general context.

Age groups: participants will be divided into categories based on their grade level to ensure fair competition (lower secondary level: Grades 5-8; upper secondary level: Grades 9-12). 

5. Poetry themes to be considered for the competition

The poetry writing competition will take place on 16 May 2025, at Liceul Teoretic “Radu Vlădescu” Pătârlagele. All the poems entering the competition must be inspired by Mihai Eminescu’s poetry themes: love, nature, time, beauty, immortality etc.

6. Competition Timeline

Teachers must register the participants for the competition, each participation being accompanied by the submission of the student registration form which will be secured by the coordinating teachers (  .

Each contestant creates one (1) poem inspired by the poetry of our national poet and dedicated to Mihai Eminescu. Each poem must be the entrant’s original work, created on the day of the poetry writing competition, 16 May 2025.

Poems must not have been published, self-published, shared on a website or made public on social media, broadcast or featured among the winners in another competition.

All poems must have a title and must not exceed 30 lines in length (excluding title).

7. Competition Coordination and Evaluation

The competition organisers and evaluators for section B of the project (conducted in English) come from 4 schools located in Buzău county and are as follows:

- Mrs. Frînculeasă Claudia Emilia - Liceul Teoretic ,,Radu Vlădescu” Pătârlagele;

- Mrs. Haralambie Monica - Colegiul Național “Mihai Eminescu” Buzău;

- Mrs. Pană Maria - Liceul Teoretic ,,Nicolae Iorga” Nehoiu;

- Mrs. Tănăsescu Cristina Florentina - Liceul Teoretic ,,Nicolae Iorga” Nehoiu;

- Mrs. Moală Maria Liliana - Liceul Tehnologic oraș Pătârlagele.

The coordinators, all teachers of English, will evaluate the original creations of the participants anonymously, based on the judging criteria below, shared with all the coordinating teachers in the partner schools at least two weeks before the competition.

Judging Criteria for the poetry writing competition (10 points)

  •         Relevance to the theme (3 points)
  •         Creativity/Style and Originality (3 points)                                                            
  •        Coherence of form and structure (harmony of words, presentation) (2 points)
  •        Clarity of imagery and language (1 point)
  •        Accuracy-correct grammar and vocabulary (1 point)

All entries will be judged anonymously so the poet’s name must not appear on the poem itself. The judges’ decisions and marks will be final.

The number of prizes awarded in the competition will not exceed 25% of the total number of participants.                                                 

8. Dissemination

The results of the main activities within the educational project “Dor de Eminescu/ Missing Our National Poet”) will be disseminated online, on the blog of the teachers of English on the Buzău Valley,  , and on the national platform . The winners of the 2025 edition of the poetry writing competition will be promoted on  , the English teachers’ blog, before 19 May 2025.

9. Official Certification

Signed and stamped certificates will be granted to the coordinators and evaluators and diplomas (for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes) and books will be granted to the students whose poetic creations have obtained the following scores:

  •   the 1st prize will be awarded for 9.50 – 10.00 points;
  •   the 2nd prize will be awarded for 9.00 – 9.49 points;
  •   the 3rd prize will be awarded for 8.50 – 8.99 points.

The rest of the participants will receive diplomas of participation signed and stamped by the coordinating school, Liceul Teoretic “Radu Vlădescu” Pătârlagele. 

10. Final poetry writing regulations 

- No fees or financial support will be required from the project participants or the partner schools; 

- Health guidelines: all participants must adhere to any health or safety protocols in place, as required by local regulations. The teachers are responsible for the safety of their students during all the project activities; 

- Each teacher will inform his/her students about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and get the formal consent of the parents/tutors to use their personal data for the purposes of this project.

School Principal,                                                   Poetry Writing Competition Organiser,

Mr. Constantin MIRCICĂ                                    Mrs. Claudia Emilia FRÎNCULEASĂ            

Monday, 10 February 2025

"Digital Explorers and Promoters of Cultural Heritage" - an online exchange of experience and good practices 10/02/2025

On 10 February 2025, the participants in the eTwinning project "Digital Explorers and Promoters of Cultural Heritage" met online to share experience, preferences of cultural heritage from France, Greece, Romania and Turkey and insights on sustainable tourism.

Bookfest 2025 - The testimonials of the transnational competition winners

Friday, 7 February 2025

Safer Internet Day 2025

On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2025, students from different classes participated in an educational workshop to design digital posters promoting online safety. Combining art, technology, and digital citizenship, this transdisciplinary initiative encouraged critical thinking and visual storytelling to raise awareness of responsible internet use. 

Through collaboration and innovation, the participants explored key topics such as cybersecurity, digital ethics and online well-being, transforming their insights into impactful visual messages. 

The transdisciplinary workshop not only fostered creativity, but also empowered students to become active advocates for a safer digital world.