Tuesday, 11 July 2023

"Back to Green" - an eTwinning project implemented at Liceul Teoretic "Nicolae Iorga" Nehoiu

During the 2022-2023 school year, an ambitious partnership between schools from Turkey, Croatia, France and Romania was initiated to meet the needs for ecological education of European teenagers aged between 14 and18, and bring positive changes in each school and local community.

The main subjects of teaching involved were Biology, Environmental Education, Health Studies, Informatics / ICT, Natural Sciences and the main key competences improved during the project activities were cultural awareness and expression, personal, social and learning to learn etc.

The main aim of the eTwinning project "Back to Green" was to make the young generations aware of the threats to the natural world, its health and its balance, and encourage them to find solutions by acting together for a greener and more sustainable lifestyle.

Here is an acrostic poem created by the local project team to spead their message to the world:

Be kind to the planet you call home
And take care of it every single day
Count your blessings and show love
Know how to be a responsible citizen.

Tomorrow everything might change 
Or we can lose everything in a second.

Great things happen when we all care,
Rapid improvements start to appear
Everyone can lead a sustainable life
Everyone can reduce, reuse and recycle
No other colour is better than green.

We hope this European partnership and its results will continue to inspire others to care and show improved attitudes and behaviours for the sake of the future.

Coordinating teacher:
Mrs. Maria Pană