Monday, 30 January 2023

Mihai Eminescu's Life and Work

 In January 2023, the students and teachers implementing the educational project "Dor de Eminescu/ Missing Our National Poet" celebrated the life and work of our national poet with interactive digital resources.

Mihai Eminescu: Life and Work

Sunday, 22 January 2023

A new beginning, with promises of a better, more joyful life

In January 2023, the team members of the eTwinning project "We are valuable with values" (2022-2023), coordinated by their teacher of English, shared their resolutions for the new year and identified hobbies and other free-time activities which could contribute to their personal development (eg reading books, watching films etc.) as well as their physical health (eg playing football, hiking etc.) and well-being (eg listening to music, drawing/painting, doing jigsaw puzzles etc.)

As well as these, following the suggestions of the international project founders, we brought our favourite toys into the classroom and shared them with our friends. Curricular integration of the English language was possible with the help of a Q&A exchange (eg What animal toy is it? What colour is it? How old is it? Where do you keep it? How often do you play with it? etc).

Saturday, 21 January 2023

The third online meeting of the eTwinning project "We are valuable with Values" 20/01/2022

On 20 January, 21 teachers implementing the international eTwinning project "We Are Valuable with Values" met online to discuss about the results achieved so far (since October 2022) and suggest improvements that are necessary to achieve the initial planning and the eTwinning quality standards.

The Romanian co-founder, Mrs. Cornelia Moț, capitalised on this meeting opportunity to present the activities for the forth-coming 2-month period until the final stage of the project and share feedback, suggestions and solutions to the potential challenging situations that might be encountered by the project team. Mrs. Cornelia Moț strongly recommended all the partners to focus on following the project calendar of activities, and on meeting the imperative need to ensure genuine international collaboration between the participants as well as valuable exchange of experience and good practices in terms of curricular integration, pedagogical innovation, the safe, creative and critial use of ICT tools and the development of positive attitudes among the European pupils, such as tolerance, respect, solidarity, team spirit, non-violence etc.

In addition to these, both Mrs. Cornelia Moț and the Turkish founder of the project, Mrs. Canan Sipahi, ensured the project partners of all their support, in order for the project team to successfully complete the activities and achieve the best tangible and intangible outcomes possible for the sake of the European educational community.

The meeting was also an excellent opportunity for the 21 educators to interact, share knowledge and positive experience, express appreciation for the results of the more accomplished eTwinners and provide support to the less experienced teachers in need of additional guidance.

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Bookfest 2023 - a transdisciplinary competition for the homonymous eTwinning project

Here are the winners of this year's transdiciplinary competition organised online:

Thank you, dear (et)winners for inspiring us to believe in a better future, 
and special thanks to all the participants whose passion for reading and for sharing its wisdom 
have made us, the coordinators and evaluators of this year's edition, rediscover the joy and pride of being educators!
Thank you, dear parents, for encouraging and motivating your children to read, to believe in education as well as in the greatest virtues and values of our society.