Monday, 29 November 2021

Christmas Cards - a traditional exchange between the eTwinned European Tweenagers from Romania and France

Working together, the Romanian pupils involved in the eTwinning project "eTwinned European Tweenagers" created Christmas cards and they also wrote their heartfelt Christmas wishes for their French friends studying in Amiens, at Collège Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle.

Promoting eTwinning partnerships at a National Conference 20 11 2021

On  20 11 2021, I presented my paper ”eTwinning Partnerships - an educational alternative for success in the current European context” at the online conference organised as part and parcel of the national project „Practici educaționale de succes din perspectiva educației actuale”, implemented by CCDR-Centrul de Consultanță și Dezvoltare Regională Buzău

eTwinning Partnerships

-an educational alternative for success in the current European context

Claudia-Emilia Frînculeasă, Liceul Teoretic „Radu Vlădescu”, Pătârlagele

The project "From European Volunteering to Global Solidarity", founded by 2 eTwinning schools from Romania and Turkey in September 2020, became a strategic partnership of hundreds of pupils and teachers from 5 countries, embarked on an incredibly rewarding eTwinning journey based on team work, international collaboration, communication and positive change.

During the first stages, the younger generation of eTwinners, supported by their teachers, identified social, economic, educational and environmental needs in their local communities and suggested ways to improve the situation, in order to make their communities better places. Volunteering actions were initiated in the coordinating schools and their local communities, then they were emulated in the other partner schools and local communities in a concerted effort to implement effective local solutions and promote civic initiative, social inclusion, student leadership and solidarity among  the 9 European partner schools and not only.

As far as pedagogical innovation and creativity are concerned, there were student-centered, competence-oriented, problem-solving and creative-thinking tasks, including the use of original, interactive resources and games, designed as part of the project-based learning approach while the benefits of the more traditional communicative method were also explored through the permanent exposure to the target language and constant interaction between the participants on padlet, Whatsapp, Zoom etc. As for me, each class of 10th graders involved in this project elected a team leader and the three team leaders and I worked very closely together doing the planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination activities of the project,  keeping in mind the educational objectives of our project as well as the students’ individual and collective instructional needs and interests.

From the curriculum integration point of view, at Liceul Teoretic “Radu Vlădescu”, an extensive amount of project work was done during the English classes (conducted both in the classroom and online) and it was both content and competence-oriented and related, first of all, to the following topics of the English language curriculum for the baccalaureate exam: personal life - social behaviour, human relationships - team work, adolescence , free time activities, public life - environmental aspects, youth and community life, civism etc. Secondly, as a form-teacher to a class of 35 sophomores, my Counselling and Orientation classes benefitted from our participation in this projects as its activities aimed at the integration of character education in the 9 European schools, focusing on positive attitudes, behaviours and moral principles and values such as altruism, caring, civic virtue, generosity, kindness, solidarity etc. and multiple opportunities were created for the teaching, learning and training of character, helping the participants to become more responsible community members and future citizens, more aware of their responsibilities, more committed to and competent in making fairer, more equitable and ethical choices and motivated to make a difference and contribute to the social and emotional wellbeing of others.

Although the students were mainly motivated to use and improve their linguistic skills, as a result of their participation in the project activities, their artistic skills and some of their key competences for lifelong learning, such as their social and civic competences, sense of initiative, learning to learn, digital competence, cultural awareness and expression etc. were also complemented and put to good use. The project was beneficial as it also allowed everyone (direct and indirect participants or beneficiaries) to increase their awareness of the importance of volunteering as a solution to a lot of social, economic, environmental, educational, medical problems and so on.

Collaboration between partner schools was possible due to the eTwinning platform (online meetings, online events, forum, teacher bulletin etc.) and other communication channels such as the national and international WhatsApp groups, email and phone. The project activities facilitated the exchange of valued educational, social and civic contributions and the building of a transnational support network and of a consistent number of meaningful positive relationships. The activities showed us that volunteering is its own reward, especially during the pandemic, as the participants were too “busy” establishing a collaborative culture, exchanging experience, ideas and suggestions and connecting with peers, planning and implementing their good deeds for others etc. to worry or think about the stressful Coronavirus-generated situation they found themselves in.

The activities were planned and executed together as a team by the students, while the teachers provided guidance and support. The pupils prioritized impact and meaningfulness as well as competence and ownership in their own self-development journey, gaining a strong sense of power, self-confidence and leadership. Their involvement in the project activities and their empowerment gave them a chance to learn that help, support and positive change can come from the knowledge and competences gained in school, that solutions applicable in the real world can be found in the classroom, that schools can be the right sociocultural environments for active civic behaviour, social cohesion and self-efficacy. Most participants realized that the real power of knowledge is to do good, to be good to others and to feel good about it. The objectives were achieved thanks to the students' initiative and willingness to solve community problems and as a result of the financial, material and moral support of the students’ families who provided a lot of resources and encouragement and a substantial money contribution from abroad.

Technology was a great tool for all the partners as it was used not only for communication and dissemination, but also responsibly and creatively for the achievement of educational aims - the creation and sharing of the teaching, learning and training resources. ICT was used to design learning resources as well as digital evaluation activities to check the students' knowledge and understanding of the language of volunteering and inspire and cultivate positive attitudes, behaviours and values. These apps were used in almost all the other partner schools by teachers and pupils. As well as these, all the partners were informed about the eTwinning official rules regarding e-safety, copy-right issues and data protection and agreed to follow them.

The parents of the participants kindly offered their consent by filling in the project form prepared for this purpose, which allowed our school to use their personal data. Being an eTwinning school, Liceul Teoretic “Radu Vlădescu” has an official e-safety policy which regulates not only the responsible, safe use of technology and especially that of the Internet by its community members, but also the responsibility for the content they create, access, download or store. We also collectively created our own rules for the project partners. The project materials, products and resources were created by properly crediting and citing the sources (e.g. the “Quote of the week” activities, the presentation for The Blue Heart Campaign), but there were also copyright-free resources that were used (royalty-free music for the videos, free visual content on Canva, the most accessible graphic design platform we used) as well as original content and resources (the Volunteering song, the students’ art work, the learningapps).

All the set objectives were achieved through team work, collaboration and active participation. The evaluation methods used to measure the success of our project, the achievement of its goals and main objectives, were both process-based and outcome-based as our main aim was to create a broader impact of positive change, a network of hope and solidarity inside the European community, as soon as the implementation of the project began. There was an online questionnaire before the project, followed by class discussions and debates, local and international online meetings where the participants received accolades and congratulations from their peers. The teachers observed the pupils’ willingness and enthusiasm to participate (which were captured in the photographs shared on the platform), they acknowledged the positive attitudes and improved behaviours of the pupils who also received certificates of participation for their active contribution.

Some of the students’ feedback, testimonials and conclusions were incorporated into the final products, such as the collective e-magazine and ebook, virtual photo portfolio, the book donation event video etc. The final evaluation and dissemination brochure with the best results and practices selected during the final meeting held on 27.05.2021 has been well-received since its publication online. Self-assessment and peer-assessment were used to measure students’ performance and progress as these methods made it possible for them to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, helped them to develop transferable skills and improve their critical and creative thinking as a result. The best results were shared on the school website and FB group, locally, with a pedagogical association whose blog I have been administering, at national level, with the teachers on the platform and internationally during the conference “Together in Europe” , a live eTwinning event hosted in December 2020, and on Youtube.

As for my own contribution, I prepared the project application, looked for team members, took up an active role in the communication and collaboration process between the participants, created a lot of original learning and assessment resources online, including the original song of the project. I also provided positive feedback as often as possible to the other partner schools and used my knowledge and experience to disseminate the results of the eTwinning partnership in different types of media (such as social media, blogs, educational platforms, online publications etc.). By initiating this partnership, I believe I encouraged the improvement of knowledge and competences together with the development of positive attitudes and values such as generosity on the one hand and gratitude on the other hand inside European schools and local communities.

As for the quality standards, in October 2021 the project received 4 European Quality Labels, two in Romania, one in Moldova and another one in Slovakia.

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Raportul activităților dedicate Săptămânii Educației Globale 2021


România turistică/Welcome to Romania! (Curricular integration of an eTwinning project)

Curricular integration of the eTwinning project Renewing European Values for Social Inclusion and Democratic Citizenship under the Auspices of eTwinning and Erasmus+ Programmes” (2020-2022)

This project activity initiated and conducted by the students enrolled in the 11th grade showed us that a language is not only a tool for communication, but also a tool for learning and personal development, for collaboration and international project participation.
Through this task-based approach of teaching and learning English, the students enriched their life experiences, broadened their horizons, and enhanced their thinking skills. Given the special occasion - the National Day of Romania, the students' affective factors, their interest, motivation and positive attitudes such as patriotism also contributed to the success of the activity.
The learning strategies incorporated into the event and recommended by the national language curriculum facilitated the improvement of key-competences (including social, linguistic, digital, civic, entrepreneurship competences, learning to learn and cultural awareness and expression etc.) in order for the students to become autonomous learners.
Evaluation was designed and administered in a way which encouraged the learners rather than frustrated them and it was carried out in terms of what students could do (positive feedback) rather than what they couldn't do.
The students made progress in terms of language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), creative and critical thinking skills and interpersonal skills and also improved their English vocabulary and presentation skills.
The learning strategies included cognitive strategies, planning strategies, communicative strategies and resourcing strategies as they could understand and follow instructions, provide personal and descriptive information and describe personal experiences as part of a process-oriented language learning and teaching approach, such as cooperative learning. The students were encouraged to experience the language, to learn new language by self-discovery, through active participation in the discussion and multimedia presentation activities.
The task-based approach to language learning and teaching, the opportunity of learning by doing and learning by using the language allowed the students to identify their own needs, strengths and weaknesses and take control of their own learning process. Self-assessment and peer-assessment were very useful as evaluation methods as they incorporated (to a considerable extent) learning strategy development into the classroom instruction.


Thursday, 25 November 2021

eTwinned European Tweenagers-The first collaborative online lesson - 23/11/2021

In transnational pairs, the pupils identified similarities and differences in their daily programmes and free-time activities. They also shared information about timetables, the weather, school regulations (uniforms, mobile phones in the classroom), means of transport etc. and expressed their excitement, enthusiasm and joy to be part of the eTwinning project team.

Rewriting"The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein

As far as curriculum integration is concerned, here are the general and specific  competences recommended by the Romanian Ministry of Education for L1, 9th grade students,  in the 2021/2022 school year,  and developed by my students during this activity: 

COMPETENCE 1. Understand oral or written messages in differenent communication contexts 
1.1 Identify the global meaning of a message
1.2 Anticipate the content of a text, based on the title/a visual stimulus
1.3 Identify details from (authentic) oral / written messages

COMPETENCE 2. Create oral or written messages, adequate to certain communication contexts
2.3 Write paragraphs on a topic of interest

Thursday, 18 November 2021

“Renewing European Values for Social Inclusion and Democratic Citizenship under the Auspices of eTwinning and Erasmus+ Programmes” (2020-2022)

The collaborative outcome of our eTwinning project 

Sustainable Habits Fair for Global Education Week 2021

This activity, dedicated to Global Education Week 2021, allowed the participants in the eTwinning project "Today's Seeds, Tomorrow's Trees" to reflect on their own lifestyles and choices, share their sustainable habits and adopt new ones. By taking the initiative to promote sustainability, the 11th graders studying at Liceul Teoretic "Radu Vladescu", located in Patarlagele town, Buzau county, Romania, aimed at raising awareness of the impact of our actions on our planet and remind everyone that the future generations deserve a healthy, resourceful and safe environment to call "home".